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The Planning Context

The University of Hong Kong recently celebrated its 90th Anniversary. The underlying theme of that celebration was the commitment made by the University to the Hong Kong community both in terms of Hong Kong's past and its future. Reflection upon the University's past achievements over the last nine decades reveals clearly an institution whose academic and societal contributions are woven into the very tapestry of the history of Hong Kong.

With such a record of achievement as a premier institution of higher learning, the University must dedicate itself to planning its future commitment both to Hong Kong and the wider academic world. Hong Kong has to position itself in the global knowledge-based society. The University of Hong Kong will play its part in this process through producing creative, innovative leaders for society and developing its research strengths so as to ensure Hong Kong's future progress as Asia's World City.

Strategic planning and development have been undertaken throughout the University's history. Given today's exigencies created by the demands and pressures upon universities to support the knowledge-based economy, planning has now to be a more structured and systematic process. There is a need to formalize the process of planning, making it transparent so that it can be supported by the members of the University, its stakeholders and the wider community which it serves.

It is within this context that the University of Hong Kong has produced the most comprehensive strategic plan in its history. At the heart of its future developments are the academic aspirations for its core activities of teaching and research. These aspirations are collectively shared by the Faculties, each of which creates a Faculty Development Plan. The kernel of these faculty plans is the basis of our institutional academic plan which, in turn, underpins the University's needs and demands for resources - for people, money and space.

The Strategic Development Plan for the period 2003-08 seeks to help anchor the institution's forward thinking and action. It is in no way immutable and it will grow organically as the University considers the fulfillment of annual operating targets and the achievement of milestones in its development.

With the on-going support of the members of the University and of the community which the University serves, I am confident that the University of Hong Kong will continue to progress as an internationally competitive university of worldclass standing and reputation.

Professor Lap-Chee Tsui