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Strategic Area 4 - Developing and Supporting "The University Family"

To build a family of students, academics, staff, parents, alumni, members of the Court, Council and HKU Foundation, benefactors and friends of the University, by facilitating interaction, dialogue, trust and cooperation among all members of the family.

To promote a sense of pride/ownership in the University, increase organizational effectiveness, and project the University's identity and reputation to the outside world, by improving communication at all levels of the University.

To ensure a university environment that supports excellence and fosters a spirit of trust, collegiality and community among staff at all levels.

To provide a sound financial environment for the University to achieve excellence by implementing an appropriate resource strategy, including seeking financial support from a diversity of sources and developing an entrepreneurial culture.

Operational Priorities

The University Family

  • Build a sense of family and inspire a feeling of common purpose among staff, students and alumni, through development of human values
  • Encourage and respect diversity in scholarship, ideas and opinions within the University
  • Create opportunities for staff and students to work together to articulate shared goals, identify common problems and formulate new solutions
  • Generate a sense of belonging among the alumni body aiming at expansive and sustained engagement of alumni in the affairs of the University

Organizational Effectiveness

  • Establish a governance and management system appropriate to the aspirations of a modern, international, research-led university
  • Promote a collegial and consultative approach to decision-making without inordinately burdening academics with administrative and committee work
  • Balance decision-making at all levels with overall strategic leadership and an effective accountability structure
  • Strengthen internal communication at all levels to engender an esprit de corps by ensuring that decisions and policies are communicated effectively and in a timely fashion to the wider University family
  • Strengthen the University's external relations operation to project the University's identity and reputation
  • Create a strong presence and visual identity of the University in the community through high-grade publications, regular public presentations, collaborative activities and reliable commentary

Human Resources

  • Establish a human resources policy that articulates clearly the importance of staff and staffing matters, and which reflects the University's values in attracting and retaining staff
  • Develop an environment of trust and collegiality that encourages and rewards staff for quality work
  • Enhance the competitiveness and flexibility of the University's terms of employment
  • Strengthen the system of staff development and provide opportunities for professional advancement and retraining
  • Strengthen the system of staff review and develop a culture of self-appraisal at all levels
  • Introduce remedial and exiting measures as appropriate, supported by a fair and transparent appraisal system

Financial Resources

  • Rationalize resource allocation recognizing the need for "selectivity" in use of resources; redeploy resources to support strategic institutional priorities and areas of excellence and strength
  • Expand the University's resource base through fund-raising, public-private partnerships, so that the University might stand on a sound financial footing
  • Strengthen planning, budgeting, monitoring and auditing processes to ensure accountability for the correct and efficient expenditure of public subvention to the University
  • Develop strategies for risk assessment and management to help the University remain internationally competitive in a volatile operating environment

"I envisage building a HKU community of students, academics, staff, alumni and donors that values collaboration and cooperation, and most importantly, that is infused with a sense of pride and ownership for the University. To me, this is not a wish for the distant future; it can be achieved right here, right now with the support of all of you."

Professor Lap-Chee Tsui
Opening of the Frontiers in Biomedical Research
December 2002