





  • 8成僱主已經在其機構中正在採用、進行試點或正在規劃階段應用GenAI
  • 7成僱主認為大學生和應屆畢業生具備GenAI相關知識和技能對他們非常重要或具有優勢
  • 6成僱主已經對相應的人力資本管理方法進行了調整或計劃進行調整
  • 5成僱主正在使用或計劃採用GenAI應用程序,以促進招聘活動
  • 「學生缺乏GenAI實際操作經驗」是僱主認為在指導大學生和應屆畢業生能高效工作所時所面臨的首要挑戰。


「為了推動香港大學畢業生的職途發展路向,我們必須將他們獲得AI知識和技能作為首要任務。」港大學生事務長謝樹基教授說 。


港大已啟動了一系列有關 「AI職途 . 港大啟航」倡導活動,例如舉辦「AI就業啟航日」以及AiPEX@HKU - 港大AI實習計劃 ,以加強教育的連貫性並為學生做好準備,幫助他們在早期職業生涯中取得優勢。

香港大學「AI職途 . 港大啟航」的詳細内容,請瀏覽:

尹慧筠 電話:2859 2600 | 電郵
吳婷 電話:3910 3612| 電郵
蔡建豪 電話:3917 2607|電郵:




HKU publishes the Industry Report for Early Careers with an
in-depth look at AI's Impact on University Students' Career Management

The Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) - Careers and Placement at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has unveiled the "Industry Report for Early Careers", the first of its kind in Asia. This comprehensive analysis focuses on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping career management for university students. 

This pivotal document explores the evolving job landscape in Hong Kong, especially how Generative AI (GenAI) is redefining employer expectations and reshaping employment across various sectors. Insights were drawn from a survey conducted in the 4th Quarter of 2023, encompassing responses from 296 employers, along with detailed interviews with industry leaders from engineering, legal services, consulting, healthcare, media, education, and more fields.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • 80% of employers are either using, testing, or planning GenAI integrations within their operations.
  • 70% of employers acknowledge the importance for university students and fresh graduates to possess GenAI knowledge and skills.
  • 60% of employers have adapted or are planning to modify their human capital management strategies because of GenAI.
  • 50% of employers are deploying or considering GenAI tools to streamline recruitment processes.
  • The top challenge for employers in guiding university students and fresh graduates to work effectively in the jobs is the lack of practical experience with GenAI among students.

“By fostering awareness and forging the necessary knowledge and practical experience, the University aims to ensure that our students stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing global landscape,” said Professor Ian Holliday, Vice President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) at HKU.

Furthermore, the report underscores the significant role of AI in modern workplaces and emphasises the need for a diverse set of soft skills such as problem-solving, data analytics, and creativity, and programming skills.

 “To foster career development among HKU graduates, we must prioritise their acquisition of AI knowledge and skills,”  stated Professor Samson Tse, Dean of Student Affairs at HKU.

"We are proactively incorporating AI literacy into HKU’s career education framework. Through close collaboration with employers and key stakeholders, we are dedicated to equipping our students to effectively leverage AI opportunities in the dynamic job market,” said Ms Kate Lam, Director of Careers and Placement at HKU.

Other HKU Career AI initiatives, like the Career AIgnition Day and AiPEX@HKU – AI Internship Programme, are steps towards fostering this ecosystem for students to harness the potential of AI and ensure a prosperous future in their early careers.

For more details on the HKU Career AI initiatives, please visit:

For media enquiries, please contact:
Communication and Public Affairs Office, HKU
Ms Melanie Wan (Tel: 2859 2600 / Email:
Ms Jaymee Ng (Tel: 3910 3612 / Email:
Mr Kenneth Choi (Tel: 3917 2607 / Email:

For the online press release, please visit: