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2025/3/6 00:22:07 |
Call for Papers |
We welcome proposals for paper presentations, colloquia and posters discussing research in relation to any areas that fit within the theme of the Conference: 'Engaging with language'. We also welcome proposals for workshops, sharing good practices in relation to any areas that fit within the conference theme. |

Types of sessions
Paper presentations (30 minutes) |
A paper will involve a 20-minute presentation on a topic related to engagement with language in one or more of the main areas. Each paper will be followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussion.
(100 minutes) |
A colloquium offers an opportunity for a group of three or four people to propose a topic related to engagement with language and to explore it from a range of perspectives in a series of linked presentations. The presentation part of the colloquium should not exceed 60 minutes, so that there are 30-40 minutes for extended discussion between presenters and the audience. Colloquium proposers are responsible for ensuring the coherence of the colloquium. The order of colloquium presentations should not be changed after acceptance.
(45 minutes) |
A workshop should be a sharing of good practice(s) related to the conference theme.
Poster presentations |
A poster provides the possibility of presenting a succinct summary of research and/or professional practice related to engagement with language.
Language of paper/
colloquium/poster/ workshop presentation |
English, Cantonese or Putonghua
Format of proposal
Title (12 words maximum)
Presenter details: If more than one presenter is involved, the lead presenter should be clearly identified. Contact details for all presenters should be provided.
Abstract for Papers/Colloquia (250 - 300 words) outlining:
The main aim of the paper/colloquium, and the question being addressed.
The reason for/usefulness of this aim/question, and its relation to language awareness and engagement with language.
How the paper/colloquium seeks to achieve the aim /address the question (e.g. what kind of approach to research, what kind of data and from where, what kind of analysis, what kind of theoretical approach).
Main finding/s or conclusion/s, and its/their significance.
Language of the abstract: English/Chinese.
Abstract for Workshop (150 – 200 words) outlining:
The main aim of the workshop, the practice(s) being shared.
The rationale for the practice(s), and the relationship with language awareness and engagement with language.
How the practice(s) will be shared with workshop participants.
Language of the abstract: English/Chinese.
Guidelines for submission
To submit a proposal for a paper presentation, colloquium, workshop or poster, you may either email, OR you may submit your proposal by post.
By email: Please send your proposal in MS WORD with the subject "ALA 2008 Proposal Submission" to Miss Scarlet Poon; scarletws@hku.hk
By post: Please send four copies to Miss Scarlet Poon, Room 324A, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, Pokfulam Road, University of Hong Kong.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts: 31 December 2007.
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