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The Symposium is co-hosted by

The Faculties of Arts and Education
in collaboration with the English Centre, HKU

Date: 8-9 June 2006
Venue: LG06 Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong

The symposium "Language Issues in English-medium Universities across Asia" gathers reports from selected universities on the use of English as a teaching medium. It will address issues arising from the impact of English as a teaching medium throughout East, South-East and South Asian universities. Plenary and featured speakers are invited from these universities, as well as universities in English-speaking countries with a high level of institutional partnership and involvement with Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Focus regions: India, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines, Japan, China, Macau and Hong Kong

Contributions will be compiled into a book length study of language in university education, to be published by Hong Kong University Press in their book series Asian Englishes Today.

Applied linguists, ELT professionals, tertiary teachers and researchers, and other concerned academics are welcome to attend. The registration deadline is 2 Jun 2006.

The Symposium is one of the international collaborative initiatives of the HKU Constituent Theme Funding "Languages, Media and Communication- Language in Education and Assessment".

  Last updated: 03/07/2025 | © 2006 - HKU - Education - Webmaster: Ms. Jo Wong