Researcher : Bolton KR |
Project Title: | The study of English in Hong Kong: the international corpus of English project in Hong Kong (HK-ICE) |
Investigator(s): | Bolton KR, Nelson GA, Luke KK |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) |
Start Date: | 07/2002 |
Abstract: |
The project attempts to advance the Hong Kong component of the global International Corpus of English (ICE) Project which is a highly prestigious and productive international research project on the English language. The existence of this database will facilitate comparative studies of Hong Kong English, UK and US English, as well as studies of Asian Englishes. |
Researcher : Francis EJ |
Project Title: | Linguistic mismatch: scope and theory |
Investigator(s): | Francis EJ, Michaeloi L.A. |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Low Budget High Impact Programme |
Start Date: | 11/2001 |
Completion Date: | 10/2004 |
Abstract: |
To facilitate the completion of an edited book entitled "Linguistic Mismatch: Scope and Theory". |
Researcher : Gan WCH |
Project Title: | Gender, space and privacy in interwar british writing |
Investigator(s): | Gan WCH |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Low Budget High Impact Programme |
Start Date: | 11/2001 |
Completion Date: | 10/2004 |
Abstract: |
To look at the impact on middle- and upper-class gender constructions, of both the lack of and greater opportunities for private space for women in interwar Britain. |
List of Research Outputs |
Gan W.C.H., 'Drone', How2. USA, 2005, 2. |
Gan W.C.H., 'Leaving', How2. USA, 2005, 2. |
Gan W.C.H., 'Map readers', How2. USA, 2005, 2. |
Gan W.C.H., Fruit Chan's Durian Durian, HK, HKU Press, 2005, 1-112. |
Researcher : Heim O |
Project Title: | Local and global currents in recent Maori literature in English |
Investigator(s): | Heim O |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To investigate the development of Anglophone literature by indigenous Maori in New Zealand over the last ten years, with special attention to the relationship between local and international currents of reception and response; to examine and assess processes of mediation between cultural traditions and technologies of representation as they shape, and are shaped by, Maori literature in English; to publish findings in two substantial adn two shorter scholarly articles. |
List of Research Outputs |
Heim O., Reading as Other: Intercultural mediations in American literature, University of Basel. 2004. |
Heim O., Shadow And Stone: Figures Of Memory In Caribbean Poetry, The Caribbean Unbound, Franklin College Conference on Caribbean Literature and Culture, Lugano, April 13-16, 2005. |
Researcher : Ho EYL |
Project Title: | Theories of the novel in Britain |
Investigator(s): | Ho EYL, Yin Q.P. |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Louis Cha Fund |
Start Date: | 01/2000 |
Abstract: |
(1) The theory of the novel in Britain is often neglected by both Chinese and Western scholars. The dialogue on the novel between the authors themselves, and between authors and critics in 20th century Britain is the object of inquiry of this project. (2) There is no book in Chinese on the history of fictional theory in Britain. This study seeks to fill a large gap by providing an unprecedented perspective on the evolution and current state of theoretical work on the novel in Britain. |
Project Title: | Critical and creative english |
Investigator(s): | Ho EYL |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2002 |
Abstract: |
To study the intellectual historical, and linguistic frameworks of the debates among writers from different cultural backgrounds about the use of English as the language of creative writing. |
Project Title: | Hong Kong anglophone literature |
Investigator(s): | Ho EYL |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
The publication of either an extended section of a book-length study on Hong Kong Anglophone literary culture or its equivalent (2-3 articles). |
Researcher : Hutton CM |
Project Title: | Jargon, language change and official agencies in Hong Kong: a sociolinguistic study |
Investigator(s): | Hutton CM |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2002 |
Abstract: |
To evaluate the social status of lists of slang and jargon produced by government agencies in Hong Kong. |
List of Research Outputs |
Hutton C.M. and Bolton K., A dictionary of Cantonese slang: the language of Hong Kong movies, street gangs and city life, London; USA: Singapore, Hurst; U of Hawaii; NUS, 2005, 489. |
Hutton C.M., Language as identity in language policy discourse: reflections on a political ideology. , International Colloquium: Regulations of Societal Multilingualism in Linguistic Policies: Language in relation to Nation, Identity and power in Spain, Hispanoamerica and the United States, Ibero-Hispanisches Institut, Berlin, 2 – 4, VI, 2005 . 2005. |
Researcher : Kang AM |
Project Title: | Language and identity in Diaspora: Koreans in Hong Kong |
Investigator(s): | Kang MA |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To examine how the relationship between language and identity plays out among speakers who may not see themselves simply as Koreans living abroad while retaining their own language and culture. |
Researcher : Kang MA |
Project Title: | Language and identity in Diaspora: Koreans in Hong Kong |
Investigator(s): | Kang MA |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To examine how the relationship between language and identity plays out among speakers who may not see themselves simply as Koreans living abroad while retaining their own language and culture. |
Researcher : Kerr DWF |
Project Title: | Eastern Figures |
Investigator(s): | Kerr DWF |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Incentive Award for RGC CERG Fundable But Not Funded Projects |
Start Date: | 07/2004 |
Abstract: |
Refer to hard copy |
Project Title: | Law and order and orientalism |
Investigator(s): | Kerr DWF |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To map the relationship between the West and Asia in the colonial and postcolonial period, through a thematic and figural analysis of literary, cultural and administrative texts. |
List of Research Outputs |
Kerr D.W.F., Death's Other Kingdom: Ruins in the Jungle: Plenary session, Victorians and the Other. University of Auckland, 2005. |
Kerr D.W.F., Tales of Empire and the Interior, 13th Triennial Conference of the Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. Hyderabad, 2004. |
Kerr D.W.F., The Eastern Crowd, The First Cross-Cultural Research Symposium. Hong Kong University, 2004. |
Kerr D.W.F., Poetics to Rhetoric and back, First International Conference on Discourse and Cultural Transformation. School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, 2004. |
Tong Q.S., Wang S.R. and Kerr D.W.F., Critical Zone 1: A Forum for Chinese and Western Knowledge. Hong Kong and Nanjing, HKU Press and Nanjing University Press, 2004, 1: 233 pp. |
Tong Q.S. and Kerr D.W.F., Introduction: Difference and Convergence in Globalization, In: Q.S. Tong, Wang Shouren and Douglas Kerr (eds.), Critical Zone 1: A Forum for Chinese and Western Knowledge. Hong Kong and Nanjing, HKU Press and Nanjing University Press, 2004, 1: 1-17. |
Researcher : Kuehn JC |
List of Research Outputs |
Kuehn J.C., "Corelli on the Women's Vote", In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., "Corelli's Criticism of Kipling", In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., "Corelli's Criticism of Tennyson and Swinburne", In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., "Corelli's Criticism of her Fellow Novelists", In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., "John Everett Millais's 'Bubbles' and the Commercialization of Art, In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., "Victorian Women Travellers in China", Department of English Seminar Series, The University of Hong Kong. 2005. |
Kuehn J.C., Corelli's Populist Post-Romantic Aesthetic, In: George P. Landow, The Victorian Web: Literature, History, & Culture in the Age of Victoria. The Victorian Web, 2005, web-based publication. |
Kuehn J.C., Glorious Vulgarity: Marie Corelli's Feminine Sublime in a Popular Context. Berlin, Logos, 2004, 268pp. |
Smethurst P. and Kuehn J.C., "Peter Ackroyd's 'Hawksmoor'", In: Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, web-based publication. |
Smethurst P. and Kuehn J.C., Tom Stoppard's 'Arcadia', In: Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2004, web-based publication. |
Researcher : Luke KK |
Project Title: | Linguistic form compression: an investigation of second-order encoding in language |
Investigator(s): | Luke KK, Bodomo AB, Lee WS, Perry C, Nancarrow OT, Han Y. |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Merit Award for RGC CERG Funded Projects |
Start Date: | 09/2003 |
Abstract: |
To study: (1) for any linguistic expression, how long is too long, and how should length be measured? (2) What are the motivations (both internal and external to language) for linguistic form compression? (3) What kinds of compression methods are available and what is their distribution across languages and language types? Languages from which data will be collected and analysed include Chinese, Dagaare, English, French, German, Hausa, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Swahili, Twi, and others. |
Project Title: | Linguistic form compression: an investigation of second-order encoding in language |
Investigator(s): | Luke KK, Bodomo AB, Lee WS, Perry C, Nancarrow OT, Han Y. |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) |
Start Date: | 09/2003 |
Abstract: |
To study: (1) for any linguistic expression, how long is too long, and how should length be measured? (2) What are the motivations (both internal and external to language) for linguistic form compression? (3) What kinds of compression methods are available and what is their distribution across languages and language types? Languages from which data will be collected and analysed include Chinese, Dagaare, English, French, German, Hausa, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Swahili, Twi, and others. |
Project Title: | Automatic annotation technologies for Cantonese corpus |
Investigator(s): | Luke KK, Fu G |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Seed Funding Programme for Applied Research |
Start Date: | 10/2003 |
Abstract: |
To build a large-scale annotated Cantonese corpus and develop relative automatic annotation technologies to support Cantonese studies and applications. |
Project Title: | 'Elastic Sentences': towards a typology of turn continuations in conversation |
Investigator(s): | Luke KK |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Merit Award for RGC CERG Funded Projects |
Start Date: | 01/2005 |
Abstract: |
Refer to hard copy |
Project Title: | 'Elastic Sentences': towards a typology of turn continuations in conversation |
Investigator(s): | Luke KK, Flynn Chang C, Zhang W, Wu D.D.Y., Couper-Kuhlen E., Ono T. |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) |
Start Date: | 01/2005 |
Abstract: |
To specify the inter-relationships among prosody, syntax, and pragmatics in the production and comprehension of turn continuations in Chinese conversations, and to test, through comparison with other languages, the validity of Couper-Kuhlen, Ono and Vorreiter's cross-linguistic typology of turn continuations. |
Researcher : Matthews SJ |
Project Title: | Parsing principles and constituent order in Cantonese: a corpus-based study |
Investigator(s): | Matthews SJ, Francis EJ, Perry C |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2003 |
Completion Date: | 10/2004 |
Abstract: |
To investigate a set of word order patterns instantiated in Cantonese from a novel theoretical perspective, that of Hawkins (1994, 2002), which focuses on how constitutent structure is recognised and assembled in real-time language processing. |
Project Title: | Parsing principles and constituent order in Cantonese |
Investigator(s): | Matthews SJ, Francis EJ, Perry C, Yip V. |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) |
Start Date: | 10/2004 |
Abstract: |
To investigate some typologically unusual word order properties of Cantonese from the perspective of the 'performance' theory of Hawkins (1994) and related work. |
Project Title: | Parsing principles and constituent order in Cantonese |
Investigator(s): | Matthews SJ |
Department: | Linguistics |
Source(s) of Funding: | Merit Award for RGC CERG Funded Projects |
Start Date: | 01/2005 |
Abstract: |
Refer to hard copy |
Researcher : Richards PK |
Project Title: | Acting oral: oral stategies in written English texts |
Investigator(s): | Richards PK |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2002 |
Completion Date: | 10/2004 |
Abstract: |
To study how an oral tradition in English--or its fundamental absence-affects the history of English literary production in a given region. |
List of Research Outputs |
Richards P.K., "Short of Breath", Anthology: A Collection of Poems from Mellen Poetry Press. New York, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005, 63. |
Richards P.K., Editor, Yuan Yang: A Journal of Hong Kong and International Writing. 2005, VI (1). |
Richards P.K., Finalist, Blue Light Poetry Prize , Blue Light Press. 2005. |
Richards P.K., Finalist, Richard Snyder Memorial Poetry Prize, Ashland Poetry Press. 2005. |
Richards P.K., “Frames and Discourse in American Literature” , ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. 2005, 33.3-4 (July-October 02): 183-212. |
Richards P.K., “Unmeaning Phrases”: Shaggy Dog Humor and the Practice of Frames" , Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. 2005. |
Researcher : Slethaug GE |
Project Title: | The road in American fiction and film |
Investigator(s): | Slethaug GE |
Department: | History |
Source(s) of Funding: | Low Budget High Impact Programme |
Start Date: | 11/2001 |
Completion Date: | 01/2005 |
Abstract: |
To explore the ways in which new technology and theories of science, especially new physics and complexity theory, help to explain the dramatic changes in, and growing popularity of road fiction and road movies. |
Researcher : Smethurst P |
Project Title: | Excursions: critical approaches to travel writing |
Investigator(s): | Smethurst P |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Low Budget High Impact Programme |
Start Date: | 11/2001 |
Abstract: |
To promote the study of European travel writing by applying to it a range of contemporary theories of literature and culture. |
List of Research Outputs |
Smethurst P. and Kuehn J.C., "Peter Ackroyd's 'Hawksmoor'", In: Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, web-based publication. |
Smethurst P., 'Introduction' to Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo. New York, Barnes and Noble, 2005, XXVII - XLI. |
Smethurst P. and Kuehn J.C., Tom Stoppard's 'Arcadia', In: Robert Clark, Emory Elliott, Janet Todd, The Literary Encyclopedia and Literary Dictionary. The Literary Encyclopedia, 2004, web-based publication. |
Smethurst P., Travels in Globability: Pico Iyer and Jan Morris in Hong Kong, Studies in Travel Writing. 2004, 8, no. 2: 179-197. |
Researcher : Tay E |
List of Research Outputs |
Tay E., "Beginning His Day", "Hokkien", "Reading Wordsworth", The MAG. 2005. |
Tay E., "Father", In: Eds. Alfred A. Yuson and Gemino H. Abad, Honoring Fathers: An International Poetry Collection. Manila, University of the Philippines Press, 2005. |
Tay E., A Lover's Soliloquy (Poetry Collection). Hong Kong, Sixth Finger Press, 2005. |
Tay E., Annabel Walker. "Chinese Characters". An interview, Sunday Morning Post. (Sunday Edition of South China Morning Post). 2005. |
Tay E., Clarence Tsui. "Review of the Week: A Lover's Soliloquy", Sunday Morning Post. 2005. |
Tay E., Cyril Wong. "Epic Versions, Uneven Results", Quarterly Literary Review Singapore. 2005. |
Tay E., In America: The Alien Asian and the Cosmopolitan Chic, Southeast Asian Review of English. 2005, No. 46: 123-142. |
Tay E., In the Countries of the Imagination: Reading Karim Raslan and Simon Tay, Evolving Faces: Identities and the Printed Page, MACLALS. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 29 July - 1 August 2004. |
Tay E., Invitation to Literary Festival, Citigroup Kuala Lumpur International Literary Festival. Awarded Travel Grant from Singapore International Foundation. 29 July - 1 August 2004. 2004. |
Tay E., Invitation to Literary Festival, Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival. March 2005. 2005. |
Tay E., Invitation to Literary Festival, The Second Pearl River Poem Art Festival 2005. Guangzhou. Received honorarium from organisers. 15-16 April 2005. 2005. |
Tay E., Jonathan Douglas. "Morning Call with Jonathan Douglas". An interview, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 4. 2005. |
Tay E., Poet Teacher for Moving Poetry. May - August, 2005. |
Tay E., Should We Still Be Interested in Literary Nationalism?: Playing Madame Mao and Reading Mammon Inc., Nation and Imagination: The Changing Commonwealth, ACLALS 13th Triennial Conference, Hyderabad, India. 4-9 August 2004. |
Tay E., Tracey Bond. "Hong Kong Authors". An interview, Television Broadcasts Ltd. (TVB Pearl). 2005. |
Researcher : Tong QS |
Project Title: | China in the British mass media in the late 18th and early 19th centuries |
Investigator(s): | Tong QS |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To investigate the English idea of China formulated and articulated in popular British newspapers and magazines in the 18th and 19th centuries; to examine British popular representations of China and the social conditions that have informed such representations; to bring out at least one substantial and lengthy piece of scholarly and critical writing on the topic. |
List of Research Outputs |
Tong Q.S., Wang S.R. and Kerr D.W.F., Critical Zone 1: A Forum for Chinese and Western Knowledge. Hong Kong and Nanjing, HKU Press and Nanjing University Press, 2004, 1: 233 pp. |
Tong Q.S. and Kerr D.W.F., Introduction: Difference and Convergence in Globalization, In: Q.S. Tong, Wang Shouren and Douglas Kerr (eds.), Critical Zone 1: A Forum for Chinese and Western Knowledge. Hong Kong and Nanjing, HKU Press and Nanjing University Press, 2004, 1: 1-17. |
Researcher : Wolf HH |
Project Title: | Cognitive nd corpus-based cultural approaches to world Englishes |
Investigator(s): | Wolf HH, Polzenhagen F. |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Other Funding Scheme |
Start Date: | 06/2003 |
Abstract: |
To investigate varieties of English with novel methodologies from cognitive and corpus linguistics. |
Project Title: | Compiling an exclusive dictionary of West African English |
Investigator(s): | Wolf HH, Lucko P., Peter L., Polzenhagen F. |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Other Funding Scheme |
Start Date: | 07/2003 |
Abstract: |
To compile the first exclusive dictionary of English in West Africa, both on the regional and the national level. |
Project Title: | English in Africa: Cultural linguistic approaches |
Investigator(s): | Wolf HH |
Department: | English |
Source(s) of Funding: | Small Project Funding |
Start Date: | 11/2004 |
Abstract: |
To complete work on a book entitled Cultural linguistic approaches to World Englishes: A corpus-based cognitive linguistic analysis of the community model in African English as a paradigmatic study, together with my co-author Frank polzenhagen. |
List of Research Outputs |
Wolf H.H., Initial Findings on similarities in linguistic realizations of the family domain in African English and Chinese English, 2nd Roundtable Discussion on African Studies, African Studies Group, The University of Hong Kong. 2005. |