HKUL Centenary Book Talk - Mabel Cheung 張婉婷 on《狼圖騰》Wolf Totem (English only)
Speaker: Ms Mabel Cheung Yuen Ting 張婉婷女士
Moderator: Dr Elaine K. M. Chan 陳劍梅博士
Guest Moderator: Mr Yau Ching-yuen 游清源先生
Date: 28 February 2012 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:15 - 9:00 pm
Venue: Special Collections, 1/F Main Library, HKU
Language: Cantonese (廣東話)
About the Book
《狼圖騰》 是中國作家姜戎於2005年出版的中文著作,內容主要圍繞蒙古草原有關野狼的各種神秘傳說及真實故事,透過野狼如何在滿佈強敵的環境之下,怎樣去運用計謀令自己得以繼續存活,藉此使讀者反思人生、經濟、環保及民族性等課題。 《狼圖騰》也是一部爭議很大的書,有西方學者斥其為"法西斯主義",甚至有黑社會將其當做教科書。
Wolf Totem is narrated by protagonist Chen Zhen, a young man in his 20s who, like the author, left his native Beijing to work in Inner Mongolia during the cultural revolution. Through descriptions of folk traditions, rituals, and life on the steppe, Wolf Totem compares the culture of the ethnic Mongolian nomads and the Han Chinese farmers in the area, praising the "freedom, independence, respect, unyielding before hardship, teamwork and competition" of the former and criticising the "Confucian-inspired culture" of the latter, which the author referred to as "sheeplike".
Enquiry: Ms Marina Yeung (reading_club@lib.hku.hk)
Media Contact: Ms. Carmen Tsang, Tel: 2859 2211 / Ms. Marina Yeung, Tel: 2859 8903