Research Highlights
Teamwork at the Nanoscale
Dr Tang Jinyao of the Department of Chemistry is showing that nanoparticles created by humans can behave as communities – much like bees and ants – to achieve more as a unit than individually.
More Teamwork at the NanoscaleAbove and Beyond
A team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering have developed PULSAR, a new uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), which is revolutionary for its single actuation, flight efficiency, and fully autonomous navigation with an extended sensor field of view (FoV) via self-rotation.
More Above and BeyondShedding Light on the Dark
A study has provided the most direct evidence yet that dark matter does not constitute ultra-massive particles, as is commonly thought, but instead is made up of particles so light that they travel through space like waves.
More Shedding Light on the Dark