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University Laureate

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Over the past century, the University has committed itself to creating knowledge, providing education, and serving society.

Today, HKU is internationally recognised as a research-led comprehensive university, with frontier research endeavours and scholarly achievements that have won it worldwide acclaim.

The University Laureate title was established in 2013 as a purely academic award to recognise, celebrate and encourage extraordinary, world-class scholarship by individuals who have been in association, or have committed to be associated, with the University.

The University Laureate is the highest academic honour that the University can bestow.

The appointment recognises academics who have made extraordinary scholarly contributions to the academic world.

Academics whose works are regarded as paradigm changing, definitive or canonical in their disciplines.

Academics who have strived to serve and bring positive changes to society.

Academics who have received international acclaim.


Professor Jao Tsung-I

Sample laureate

