On 24 January 2020, three HKU students have been reported to the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) as suspected cases in accordance with the latest reporting criteria and guidelines of the CHP*.
The three suspected cases all have mild upper respiratory symptoms, but none have fever. One of them has visited Wuhan recently while the other two have not been to Wuhan recently but have visited Mainland hospitals for other health problems.
As a prudent precautionary measure, the University has arranged enhanced cleaning and disinfection measures at the relevant site according to the CHP guideline.
(*According to the CHP’s latest reporting criteria: medical practitioners are requested to make a report to the CHP for further investigation if they encounter an individual with fever or acute respiratory illness, or pneumonia, and who had experienced one of the following within 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms: (a) visited Hubei Province; or (b) visited a medical hospital in the Mainland; or (c) had close contact with a confirmed case of the novel coronavirus while that patient was symptomatic.)