HKU Faculty of Dentistry students committed to provide professional and ethical patient care
08 Sep 2021

Bachelor of Dental Surgery Year 3 (BDS3) student representatives (right) Miss Kelly Sze and Sunny Lai. After taking the Oath of Clinical Pledging, BDS3 students receive name badges engraved with their names which signify their ambition, passion, and commitment as dentists-to-be

Dr Kelvin K.W. To, Head, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine delivers his speech
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75 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Year 3 students committed to take on their responsibilities of providing clinical treatments, meeting both professional and ethical standards to their patients during the Clinical Pledging Ceremony 2021. The event was held on September 8 (Wednesday) at the Prince Philip Dental Hospital. This is the fourteenth time that such a ceremony was being held. Attending the ceremony were Guest of Honor Dr Kelvin K.W. To, Head, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and teachers. Under their testimony, BDS3 students took the oath which also marked an important milestone for them.
Addressing the ceremony, Dr Kelvin To stated the importance of patient care as every word doctors said would mean a lot to the patients and their families. He also encouraged students to learn from patients and people around such as nurses, social workers, and colleagues. “Having a career to treat patients is very gratifying,” he said.
During the Vote of Thanks, BDS Year 3 student representative Miss Kelly Sze thanked the tutors teaching them fundamental dental knowledge and skills. “They are shining examples and let us understand the veracious attitude and value of being a dentist," she said, while extending her gratitude to the parents who have been supporting them enormously, especially under COVID-19. “Without their care and support, we would not be able to walk this journey and have the courage to face and overcome the challenges ahead.” Miss Sze added.
Students received name badges after taking the oath. Another student representative Mr Sunny Lai said: “The name badge signifies more than just a silver plate; it is a token of our ambition, our passion and our commitment as a dentist-to-be.”
Before the end of the ceremony, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Professor Flemmig encouraged students to work hard and learn from the clinical experience. “Do good to your patients, get a good education and enjoy your profession for the rest of your life,” he concluded.
Oath of Clinical Pledging Ceremony
“I do hereby pledge:
To observe faithfully the rules and regulations regarding personal conduct and patient care set forth by the University of Hong Kong, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Prince Philip Dental Hospital;
To accept my professional responsibility to treat, to the best of my ability, all who entrust themselves to me for care with confidentiality and compassion;
To conduct myself at all times in a manner which will merit the respect of patients, Faculty and Hospital staff, fellow students and the community;
To uphold the honour and integrity of the dental profession and to strive to contribute to its progress and to the betterment of the community;
To continue to strive to advance my knowledge and skills throughout the remainder of my education and professional career. “
For enquiries, please contact:
Ms Melody Tang, Senior Communications Officer of the Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
Tel: 2859 0494; 9155 0980 /