Hong Kong Affective Learning Conference and Workshops
Key for Nurturing Future-Ready Learners in the New Normal –
More than 20 experts, professionals and practitioners share rationale, practices and challenges
19 Jan 2022
To foster collaborative effort for the continuous promotion of students’ effective affective learning during intermittent disruptive schooling in the New Normal, the Education Policy Unit (EPU) and the Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policy of Education (SCAPE) at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will organise the “Hong Kong Affective Learning Conference and Workshops – Key for Nurturing Future-Ready Learners in the New Normal” via ZOOM from 9:00 am to 1:15 pm on January 22, 2022 (Saturday).
To set the scene for the three themed panel discussions, the keynote on “How Emotions are Made” would be presented by Professor Lisa Feldman Barrett, Northeastern University and moderated by Professor Cheng Kai Ming, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Director of EPU, Faculty of Education, HKU with reference to the latest situation and development of affective learning in Hong Kong.
More than 20 experts and practitioners* would discuss and share the transformational practices during the past two years that are interrelated in affective learning at teacher, school and community levels that are interrelated under the New Normal in the following themes:
Panel Discussions:
Theme 1 - Catering for Diversity in Affective Learning
Theme 2 - Teacher and Principal Collaboration and Leadership, Home-School Co-operation
Theme 3 - Community Organisations and Participation
Members of the media are invited to cover the event. Details are as follows:
Date: January 22, 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 am – 1:15 pm
Language: Cantonese / English
Mode: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 890 768 6099
Meeting link:
For more details of the event, please visit:
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Emily Cheung, Senior Manager (Development and Communications), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (Tel: 3917 4270 / Email: or Ms Erica Lam, Event Manger of the Hong Kong Affective Learning Conference and Workshops (Tel: 3917 2533 / Email:
* List of Panel Speakers:
Mr CHUI Ka Cheung, Principal, Aldrich Bay Government Primary School
Mr HO Ying Hon, Principal, and Mr Chan Lap Lai, Vice-Principal, Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
Ms LAI Yuen Shan, Principal, Pat Heung Central Primary School
Professor LAM Shui Fong, Director, Jockey Club, “Peace and Awareness” Mindfulness Culture in Schools Initiative
Dr WONG Kam Yiu, Jimmy, Executive Director; Ms Livia TANG, Head, School & Student Services Division, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
Mr Eugene FONG, Chairman, Committee on Home-School Co-operation
Ms LAW Siu Tung, Curriculum Leader, Shanghai Alumni Primary School
Mr LI Kin Man, Principal, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School
Ms SO Ping Fai, Principal, Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School
Ms TO Yue Man, Teacher, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Bishop Hall Secondary School
Ms YAN Kin Foon, Principal, Shau Kei Wan Govt Secondary School
Mrs Amy CHAN, Chairman, Child Development Initiative Alliance
Dr Elaine CHAN, School-based Educational Psychologist Supervisor, Po Leung Kuk
Mr CHEUNG Leong, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Dr KWOK Lai Yuk Ching, Sylvia, Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Mr Antony LI, Programme Director, Bei Shan Tang Foundation
Ms Christine MA-LAU, Founder and Co-chairperson; Ms Yvette LEUNG, Executive Director, Character Education Foundation
Mr Raymond YANG, Mr Matthew KWOK, Mr Anthony NGAI, Co-Founders, JUST FEEL
(The list is arranged in alphabetical order of speakers’ surnames in each panel discussion.)