HKU hosts Equal Opportunities Festival 2014
05 Nov 2014
Officiating guests at the Opening Ceremony of the Equal Opportunities Festival 2014: From left: Professor S P Chow, Mr. Peter Sidorko, Mr. Henry Wai, Dr. Frency Ng, Ms Yu Chui Yee, Dr. Steven Cannon, Dr. Ferrick Chu, Mr. Stanley Ng & Dr. Danny Tang.
The University of Hong Kong is holding the Equal Opportunity Festival 2014 from November 5 to November 21. The theme of this year is “To Build a Barrier-free Society for All”. A series of events including talks, sharing session, book exhibition, and visual communication theatre will be held during the Festival by the Equal Opportunity Unit in collaboration with the Libraries, Centre of Development and Student Resources, and General Education Unit.
An opening ceremony was held today (November 5) at the Sun Yat-sen Place. Ms Yu Chui-yee, Paralympic Gold Medalist and a wheelchair fencing player was the Guest of Honour. It was also the inauguration ceremony for the Equal Opportunity Student Ambassadors. About thirty student leaders from different disciplines pledged their commitment to promote a barrier-free and discrimination free society. They performed dancing and acted as models for the care apparels for the elderly people and people with disabilities, provided by the Care Apparel Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In addition, booths were set up by several organisations including Equal Opportunities Commission, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power.
For details of the Equal Opportunities Festival 2014, please browse the Equal Opportunities Festival website:
For media enquire, please contact Ms Melanie Wan of the Communication and Public Affairs Office at 2859 2600 or email to