The speaker, Dr. Sydney Brenner, Founder and President of The Molecular Sciences Institute at Berkeley, California, can justly be described as one of the movers and shakers of the revolution that has overtaken Biology and Medicine - based on Molecular Biology. His topic for the lecture to be delivered on Thursday June 28th is “Inverse Genetics”. As is usual for him, Dr. Brenner will be talking about topics that are not (yet) of popular interest - the genetic sequences that have been stable for millenia, so they must be important, but whose function is not known. To hear something really original, just come!
The lecture is supported by The Shirley Boyde Trust, formed in 1989, in memory of Mrs Shirley Boyde, funded by family and public donations and dedicated to research in medicine and conservation studies. These lectures are of such great importance to instructing both scientists and the public, and raising public awareness, that the Trust has chosen to sponsor them.
The lectures are open to members of the public. Shirley Boyde's husband, Professor Tom Boyde, will come to Hong Kong to attend this first lecture.
For further details please contact the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong at 2819 9241.
HKU's Department of Biochemistry to Hold the First Shirley Boyde Memorial Lecture
27 Jun 2001
The Department of Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong is to hold the first Shirley Boyde Memorial Lecture on Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 5:00pm in the Rayson Huang Theatre of the University's main campus.
The speaker, Dr. Sydney Brenner, Founder and President of The Molecular Sciences Institute at Berkeley, California, can justly be described as one of the movers and shakers of the revolution that has overtaken Biology and Medicine - based on Molecular Biology. His topic for the lecture to be delivered on Thursday June 28th is “Inverse Genetics”. As is usual for him, Dr. Brenner will be talking about topics that are not (yet) of popular interest - the genetic sequences that have been stable for millenia, so they must be important, but whose function is not known. To hear something really original, just come!
The lecture is supported by The Shirley Boyde Trust, formed in 1989, in memory of Mrs Shirley Boyde, funded by family and public donations and dedicated to research in medicine and conservation studies. These lectures are of such great importance to instructing both scientists and the public, and raising public awareness, that the Trust has chosen to sponsor them.
The lectures are open to members of the public. Shirley Boyde's husband, Professor Tom Boyde, will come to Hong Kong to attend this first lecture.
For further details please contact the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong at 2819 9241.